Today was a day I will never forget. I met David Cassidy... I hugged David Cassidy ... David Cassidy kissed me on the cheek!! Thank God I have proof. This picture is right outside Studio 1A at 30 Rock; David sandwiched between Joy and senior producer, Jackie Levin (yup, another die-hard fan).
You'd have to know Joy Schloss-Bauer as a kid to understand the magnitude of this all. I was smitten (certifiably obsessed) with David. I'm talking posters all over my bedroom walls, never missed a single Partridge Family episode, and I knew the words to EVERY one of his songs. A total DC junkie.
This morning was SO fun. Everyone at the show was humming the words to either "I Think I love You"..."I Woke Up In Love This Morning".... or the Partridge Family theme song. People claimed to be loyal fans, but did they really fit the bill? I put them to the test by singing "Point me-ee in the direction of......." and waited to see if they could finish the line. But as suspected, most of the folks had no clue what it was. Rainy Farrell, my good friend and producer certainly knew. She was one of the few who immediately blurted out ALBUQUERQUE! My friend Nancy Shapiro knew it too. So did my brother Dan.... no, he never lusted after DC, he's just super-smart and knows everything (would love to get him on Millionaire and jeopardy).
Wow, what a great day :-) And right now I'm in Norfolk, Virginia at the 700 Club. I have a fun segment tomorrow morning and should have a good story or two...
I am pea green with envy. I still have my David Cassidy albums!