Monday, May 7, 2012

Meet Cari, A Joy Fit Superstar Who Lost 144 Pounds!

I'm excited to introduce a very special guest blogger, Cari Hartman. Cari is one of the weight loss superstars featured in my new book, The Joy Fit Club: Cookbook, Diet Plan & Inspiration. Cari's determination, courage, and passion for health are a tremendous inspiration to me personally, and I'm proud to call her a friend. If you're struggling with your own weight or health issues, I know you'll find comfort and hope in her story and amazing transformation. ~ Joy

In March of 2005 I had hit an extremely low point in my life and knew something had to change. I was extremely heavy, and unhappy with life in general. After a lifetime of failing at every diet known to man, and a wake up call when going to the doctor, I knew I had to try something different and I refused to have gastric bypass.

Cari, before and after her 144 pound weight loss!
So, not knowing what to do, or how to do it, I simply started to make very very small changes to what I ate and I joined a gym. I figured if I just moved my body in some way, shape, or form and did it slowly, so it became part of my life, that I might be able to stick with it. I did nothing drastic with food. I couldn't feel like I was missing out on something. I just wanted to change SLOWLY. So, I started packing a lunch a couple days a week instead of eating out daily. I told myself I'd lose 10 pounds so that I didn't feel overwhelmed by a huge number. When I dropped the first 10 I said, "OK, I can do this," so I'd set another goal of 10 more. These small changes and small goals that were achievable allowed me to finally believe in myself and the power to change.

I came out of my shell at the gym, started doing more and hired a trainer. She introduced me to weightlifting. I found that I really enjoyed eating healthier and exercising for the first time in my life. After close to three years, I had gotten rid of 125 pounds and felt amazing. I did a lot of research online about how to eat and cook healthily along the way and starting cutting out more and more processed foods. There are very few processed things I consume now, but I still have a handful of things I keep around.

In the past four years I have I have dropped another 20 pounds, so I'm down a total of roughly 144 pounds since March of 2005. I've never gone up (aside from "normal" female fluctuations and a few holiday pounds here and there). "All things in moderation"...I truly believe this. It's the only thing that works for me. No diets, no pills, no magic potions, just eating smart most of the time and moving my body. I know  that life is 100% about choices and that it's perfectly fine to indulge in baked goods from time to time. "Make them treats, not staples," I say. 

When I was asked to be a part of the Joy Fit Club book project, I was thrilled beyond words. Being able to share my story, and help inspire people to make simple, small changes that can and will add up to a completely different life, has been something I've looked forward to. When the book arrived at my house, I sat down and started reading the stories. I felt such a kinship with the others inside. I always felt "different" than everyone else growing up, but here inside the cover of this amazing book were people who were just like me. I cry when I read a story because I know that I am not alone, there is something I can identify with in all of the stories. I know that people reading will also draw strength from all within.

I want to "pay it forward" so to speak. Knowing that for most of the 31 years prior to my lifestyle change, I was unhappy and always felt like a failure, I look forward with great excitement to reminding people that if you believe in yourself, and the power of change, that it can and will be done! 

The biggest piece of advice I can give to anyone who is starting out on a journey to a lifestyle change is that, first and foremost, you absolutely must believe in yourself. If you don't believe that you can do it, you won't. Don't set goals that are so huge that you feel unsuccessful. Most people who have battled weight problems for a lifetime have never felt successful...ever. If you need to lose 100 pounds, focus on losing 10 first. And when you hit that 10, celebrate it, for you have finally SUCCEEDED at hitting a goal. Go for another 10, YOU CAN do it! Learn to love yourself and to make your health and your needs a priority. This is not a hobby, it's life. Learn to incorporate it daily. Lastly, remind yourself, "Life is for living, not for dying, that's why I don't D-I-ET, I LIVE it!"

Here's to health, happiness, and learning to live!

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