Monday, March 8, 2010

Food Network Meets Joy Fit Club

This morning I met two wonderful people -- Paula Deen and Kim DiMondo. Paula needs no introduction and is truly one of the nicest, most down-to-earth women ever. We shmoozed about everything from chocolate crumble to the lack of seatbelts in the 70s. Her sons were incredibly handsome, personable and just as lovely. Jack is her first and only grandson and is drop dead gorgeous!

Kim DiMondo is my newest Joy Fit Club member. She is pure sunshine. For today's blog I'm sharing her personal weight loss story below (in her own words). I'm certain you'll feel inspired.

Kim DiMondo Story
As a child, a burn trauma led me to seek security, comfort and love in food which began my 25 year battle with obesity. Despite loving parents, family and friends who desperately wanted to help, I was never able to obtain a healthy body weight.

From childhood into adulthood I was on a perpetual archeological dig, hunting for a treasure map to a thin body. Seeking out easy solutions, I tried diets that started on Mondays & Sundays. I ate foods that were low calorie, low carb, no carb, and tasted like cardboard. I exercised, took diet pills, went to diet doctors, starved myself, and of course had my thyroid examined multiple times. But still my A+ efforts failed.

It’s no coincidence that the rest of my life was also unmanageable. Beyond the insanity of my dieting woes was the emotional anguish of literally carrying the weight of an 8th grader. I was unhappy in corporate America, but had no idea what career would suit me, and no self esteem to find out. Instead, I was an overachiever who disguised my pain with a cheery smile and uber-friendly personality. I dressed myself well (from the waist up) and avoided my reflection at all costs. I did however use a compact mirror to admire my thin ears and fat-free blue eyes. The irony…I was so big yet felt so invisible at the same time.

Then in April of 2003 I gave up! I resigned to living at 260lbs. and that’s when the answer appeared.

I finally realized that I couldn’t lose the weight because food was a symptom, it wasn’t the problem. It was my mind and spirit that was the issue – my body was a casualty. Once I was willing to accept that I ate over what was eating me, I found freedom. How did I do it? I took action! I got honest and faced my real demons (the reasons why I ate). I let go of my failed diets and put together a food plan that was tailored to my wants/needs. I worked on an exercise plan that was fun and fit into my lifestyle. Then for the 1st time in my life, I saw real results. Not just in my weight loss (that was a fringe benefit) but in how I truly felt about myself from the inside-out.

For the past five years I’ve maintained a 100+lbs. weight loss and live in a normal sized body. But most importantly, I have a healthy mind and spirit that have truly given me a life I love.
Today, I’m a certified weight loss coach and personal trainer and helping others believe that they too can be a success story.

Have a great night everyone!
xo, Joy

1 comment:

  1. That is a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing it. I am trying my hardest to have the click and lose my 100 lbs.

    I need to do and I want to lose the weight, for myself, my knees, and my grandchildren.

    You inspire me, Teresa
